Monday, May 26, 2008

How many people do you know that...

How many people do you know that have fallen out of a 2nd story window?! Well, my count is now at two. Most of you know what happened to my aunt Rhonda. (She is doing very well, by the way, and has already taken her first steps since the accident in December.) So last week on Tuesday I got a phone call from Will saying that I needed to get to my brother and sister in-laws right away because my two year old nephew, Parker, had fallen out of a 2nd story window. He was upstairs sleeping and the next thing everybody knew was that the other two younger boys came running in yelling "Parker fell". Now fortunately he was ok and believe it or not the only thing he walked away with were some stitches above his eye and bruises. We feel so blessed that he was ok.

This is our poor little guy. He was so brave and he only cried when they numbed the area for stitches. I just could not believe that I now knew two people this had happened to, but apparently they told my bro and sis in-law at the hospital that in the summer time they average one child a day who has done something similar to this. It's hot so windows get left open and there is either furniture too close to the window or a toy that the child can crawl on to get to the window. They call the incidents "Failure to Fly". So there is the story of poor Parker's failure to fly.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I don't understand?!

What is up with San Diego weather?!?! For the past week it has been 95 to 100 degrees and today it's raining. I just don't think I'll ever understand.

Friday, May 9, 2008

We're Still Here!

Hello blogging world,

If any of you are still checking in to see if I would ever update again, your efforts have not been in vain. There has been soooo much going on. Back on March 31st we moved in with my aunt. I never thanked everyone personally, but I am so glad for friends and family who came and made the process easier.

We also got to go on another Disneyland trip with my little bro for his first date since his 16th b-day. It was sooo crowded and I will never go on a Saturday again, but it was still a blast.

Will has been working like crazy. He's preparing to take the Senior Human Resource Management Test and was recently nominated to sit on the San Diego Employers Association Board. He hasn't been voted in yet, but I really hope it works out.

For those of you who know my sis, she is engaged and is getting married on 8/8/08. They are so cute and she is so happy.

And for the real reason that I haven't been posting lately. Drum roll please....

The anticipation is killing you isn't it?

Ta Da!!! WE'RE PREGNANT! Now I know some of you already knew so for those of you who did the surprise is that I'm still pregnant. The doctor said that everything looks good. This sonogram was taken at 11 weeks and now I'm about 12 1/2 weeks. We are so excited and can't wait to find out what we are having.